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WriteOutput doesn't produce carriage return line feed in the html source

This is being too picky, but hey... If I use the WriteOutput command in cfscript, it doesn't put a carriage return/line feed in the output.

Q: Is there a WriteOutputln() or something like that?

Right now, I manually add Chr(13) & Chr(10) just to format the source code all pretty.


  • It doesn't really make sense to have a writeOutputLn() function in the language as most output is targeted at a browser, and CRLFs don't actually render in a browser, so what would the point be? One could then say "OK, well put a <br> there instead". That makes it no use for situations other than when outputing mark-up. And should it be a <br> or a <br/>? or a <br />? That's very picky, but it just goes to show that there's no realy single equivalent that is "correct" behaviour.

    That and writing a UDF is so simple - and can be finetuned to the situation it's used in - there's just no point.

    I reckon that answers your question as to why it's not in the language.