I'm still learning javascript, jQuery and jQuery UI and I'm trying to do something that seems so simple:
Make a gray div box expand to a larger size on hover and remain at the new size while hovering and only return to original size when you move your mouse away.
Here is my code:
// Mouse Over: Expand to 75 x 75
$(this).effect("size", { to: {width: 75,height: 75} }, 1000);
// Mouse Out: 50 x 50 is original size
$(this).effect("size", { to: {width: 50,height: 50} }, 500);
I know I am close but it doesn't quite work right. See my fiddle here http://jsfiddle.net/L496W/1/ . The box expands to the larger size but then shrinks back down while still hovering on it.
What am I doing wrong?
Also, would .toggle() help me here?
Use jQuery's .animate()
// Mouse Over
$(this).animate({width: 75,height: 75}, 1000);
// Mouse Out
$(this).animate({width: 50,height: 50}, 1000);