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Order of execution in operator <<

I have difficulties in understanding the sequence of calls in the code below. I was expecting to see the output below


While I can see that the output I get is


I thought that the call std::cout<< b->fooA() << b->fooB() << std::endl was equivalent to call

  std::cout.operator<<( b->fooA() ).operator<< ( b->fooB() )

but I can see that this is not the case. Can you help me understanding better how this does it work and the relationship with the global operator<<? Is this last ever called in this sequence?

#include <iostream>

struct cbase{
    int fooA(){
        return 1;
    int fooB(){
        std::cout <<"B";
        return 2;

void printcbase(cbase* b ){
    std::cout << b->fooA() << b->fooB() << std::endl;

int main(){
    cbase b;
    printcbase( &b );


  • The compiler can evaluate the function printcbase() as this:

    void printcbase(cbase* b ){
        int a = b->FooA();    // line 1
        int b = b->FooB();    // line 2
        std::cout << a;       // line 3
        std::cout << b;       // line 4
        stc::cout << std::endl;

    or some of many permutatins of lines marked as 1 - 4. You are only guaranteed that that the line 1 is done before the line 3, and line 2 before the line 4 (and of course line 3 before line 4). Standard does not say more and indeed you can expect different results with different C++ compilers.