How to suppress Style Cop rule SP0100?
Enumeration item name v2007 doesn't conform the specified style: SampleName, Sample_Name.
I tried following
But I get an error
'System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments
Are you sure that you have the index of the name right?
ElementsMustBeOrderedByAccess seems to be rule SA1202
OK, so it seems you are using a StyleCop+ rule - meaning that it is a bit of a pain to find the appropriate suppression data.
I have found the information for the ID in the source XML file for the rules, and, if I understand correctly, the category should be set to the full name of the class that exposes the rule, which is StyleCopPlus.StyleCopPlusRules
Meaning that the minimal attribute declaration, in your case, would be: