I have an operation that has an input message like this:
I'd like to modify this messageType before it hits the target WS method and I wrote an interceptor for the Phase.USER_LOGICAL. However, in the handleMessage if I try to do:
message.getContent(InputMessageType.class) it returns null.
How could I get the reference to the InputMessageType, change it's messageType property and then let CXF call the WS with the modified input parameter?
I had the same problem as yours : message.getContent(xxx.class) returns null. I do not know why and I will check later this behaviour.
So instead I use the interceptor like this (I retrieve the MessageContentsList) :
public class ApiSoapActionInInterceptorService extends AbstractPhaseInterceptor<Message> {
public ApiSoapActionInInterceptorService(){
public void handleMessage(Message message) throws Fault {
MessageContentsList inObjects = MessageContentsList.getContentsList(message);
if (inObjects != null && !inObjects.isEmpty()){
for (Iterator<Object> it = inObjects.iterator(); it.hasNext() ;){
Object ob = it.next();
if (ob instanceof InputMessageType){
} else {