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Simple if statement vs. normal if statement

At Java byte code level, is there any difference between an simple if-statement (Example 1) and a normal if-statement (Example 2):

Example 1:

if (cond) statement;

Example 2:

if (cond) {

The background of the question, is that I saw in "high performance" classes like java.awt.Rectangle and Point only the variant without curly braces.

Is there any speed benefit, or is that only code style?


  • Aparte from the maintainability of your code, in terms of performance is exactly the same. You will not gain speed up from removing {}, since {} it is not an instruction by it self.

    I normal use with {} because makes the code easy to read (IMO) and less propitious to making errors.

    This example:

    public void A(int i) {
         if (i > 10) {
        public void B(int i) {
            if (i > 10)

    byte code generated:

     // Method descriptor #15 (I)V
      // Stack: 2, Locals: 2
      public void A(int i);
         0  iload_1 [i]
         1  bipush 10
         3  if_icmple 14
         6  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]
         9  ldc <String "i"> [22]
        11  invokevirtual : void [24]
        14  return
          Line numbers:
            [pc: 0, line: 5]
            [pc: 6, line: 6]
            [pc: 14, line: 8]
          Local variable table:
            [pc: 0, pc: 15] local: this index: 0 type: program.TestClass
            [pc: 0, pc: 15] local: i index: 1 type: int
          Stack map table: number of frames 1
            [pc: 14, same]
      // Method descriptor #15 (I)V
      // Stack: 2, Locals: 2
      public void B(int i);
         0  iload_1 [i]
         1  bipush 10
         3  if_icmple 14
         6  getstatic java.lang.System.out : [16]
         9  ldc <String "i"> [22]
        11  invokevirtual : void [24]
        14  return
          Line numbers:
            [pc: 0, line: 11]
            [pc: 6, line: 12]
            [pc: 14, line: 13]
          Local variable table:
            [pc: 0, pc: 15] local: this index: 0 type: program.TestClass
            [pc: 0, pc: 15] local: i index: 1 type: int
          Stack map table: number of frames 1
            [pc: 14, same]

    As you can see the are the same.