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Banner rotator with bg color change and fade javascript

I have the following code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var imgs = new Array("images/banner2.jpg", "images/banner3.jpg", "images/banner4.jpg");
    var alt = new Array();
    var bgcolor = new Array("#202020", "#00040F", "#202020");
    var currentAd = 0;
    var imgCt = 3;

    function cycle() {
        if (currentAd == imgCt) {
            currentAd = 0;
        var div = document.getElementById('banner_bar'); = bgcolor[currentAd]
        var banner = document.getElementById('adBanner');
        banner.src = imgs[currentAd]
        banner.alt = alt[currentAd]
    window.setInterval("cycle()", 8000);        
<div id="banner_bar">
    <img class="banner" src="images/banner4.png" id="adBanner"> 

The background and image change work great but I cant get the fade to work. It either breaks the rotator or it just does nothing. Any thoughts on how I could do this with rewriting the rotation code?

EDIT: I dunno if I am even on the right track here but if anyone could nudge me in the right direction I would appreciate it

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var imgs = new Array("images/banner2.jpg","images/banner3.jpg","images/banner4.jpg");
        var alt = new Array();
        var bgcolor = new Array("#FFF","#00040F","#000");
        var currentAd = 0;
        var imgCt = 3;
        function cycle() {
            if (currentAd == imgCt) {
                currentAd = 0;
            $("#banner_bar").fadeOut(3000, function () {
                var div = document.getElementById('banner_bar');
                var banner = document.getElementById('adBanner');
            ) };
    <div id="banner_bar">
        <img class="banner" src="images/banner4.jpg" id="adBanner">


  • If anyone is curious about this. I wound up using in the end. It has been suggested here before. I achieved the background color change by using a callback to my own function using the following code:

        <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
                fx: 'fade', // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp, shuffle, etc...
                timeout: 5000,
                 speed:   500,
                before: midBG,
                after: finalBG
        var fbgcolor = new Array("#313131","#000","#00040F","#FFF");
        var fcurrentAd = 0;
        var fimgCt = 4;
        function finalBG() { 
            if (fcurrentAd == fimgCt) {
                    fcurrentAd = 0;
            var fdiv = document.getElementById('banner_bar');
        var mbgcolor = new Array("#989898","#191919","#000208","#808287");
        var mcurrentAd = 0;
        var mimgCt = 4;
        function midBG() { 
            if (mcurrentAd == mimgCt) {
                    mcurrentAd = 0;
            var mdiv = document.getElementById('banner_bar');

    It maybe a bit crude but it does work. I will keep posting here as if I make any changes or improvements! Thanks for you advice guys.
