So, I'm trying to build as a personal project my course curriculum and I decided to use Draw2D because I think it's pretty complete. I'm representing the courses as rectangles and setting connections between them to show which ones are pre-requisites for other courses, something like this:
The problem I'm having is that when trying to make the same port the source for two connections it just takes one and ignores the other. Any ideas? Below is a quick sample:
$(window).load(function () {
// Create the paint area. The id in the constructor must be
// an existing DIV
var canvas = new draw2d.Canvas("gfx_holder");
// create and add two nodes which contains Ports (In and OUT)
var start = new draw2d.shape.node.Hub();
var startLocator = new draw2d.layout.locator.BottomLocator(start);
var startLocator2 = new draw2d.layout.locator.BottomLocator(start);
var startPort = start.createPort("output", startLocator);
var end = new draw2d.shape.node.End();
var end2 = new draw2d.shape.node.End();
canvas.addFigure( start, 400,100);
canvas.addFigure( end, 200,150);
canvas.addFigure( end2, 600,150);
var c = new draw2d.Connection();
c.setTargetDecorator(new draw2d.decoration.connection.ArrowDecorator());
var c2 = new draw2d.Connection();
c2.setTargetDecorator(new draw2d.decoration.connection.ArrowDecorator());
I would suspect your problem lies in the setSource function call.
One seems to specify a port, and the other a Locator.