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Load XML Data (Key/Value Pairs) into Data Structure

I have an XML Data Source which contains a list of key/value pairs. I'm looking for a simple way to load the same data into an array or some other data structure so that I can easily look up the data. I can bind it to a GridView with a couple of clicks but I'm failing to find a straightforward way to load it into something that isn't a UI Control.

My data source looks like:

    <Section Folder="TradeVolumes" TabIndex="1" />
    <Section Folder="TradeBreaks" TabIndex="2" />

I'm wanting to load key value pairs (Folder, TabIndex)

What is the best way to load the data?


  • Using Linq to XML :

    var doc = XDocument.Parse(xmlAsString);
    var dict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
    foreach (var section in doc.Root.Element("Sections").Elements("Section"))
        dict.Add(section.Attribute("Folder").Value, int.Parse(section.Attribute("TabIndex").Value));

    You get a dictionary, which is basically a collection of key/value pairs