I am working in an application and developing few classes for demo purpose. I know that these classes will be removed in future.
Is it possible to ignore all the stylecop warnings for those classes as I dont want to spent the time on those warnings?
I searched but found that I can only ignore via settings in stylecop( this will effect other classes too) or to some specific rule ( I just want to ignore all warnings).
Beginning with StyleCop 4.4.0, it is also possible to suppress all of the rules within a rule namespace, using a single suppression attribute. This is indicated by replacing the rule CheckID and rule name with a single asterisk. The following code example suppresses all of StyleCop's default documentation rules within the inner class. In this case, StyleCop would still flag a violation indicating that the outer class is missing documentation, but it would ignore all documentation rules for the inner class and its contents.
public class OuterClass
[SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.DocumentationRules", "*")]
public class InnerClass
public void MyUndocumentedMethod