I want to know the CPU,thread, VSize, Rsize of a process based on its PID.So i was using top -i 1 -l 1 command and grepping the corresponding values.But top differs form MAC 10.5 to 10.7 .Is there any specific way to get only those columns itself .
process=top -i 1 -l 1 | grep "$PID"
echo "$process" | awk '{print $3}'`
similarly 5 10 11 for the corresponding(thread, VSize, Rsize) values in 10.5 But the columns differs in 10.7 .
Is there any generic way to get this in shell script Please help.
I use this on solaris:
ps -eo pmem,pid,pcpu,rss,vsz,time,args | sort -k 1 -r|awk '$2~/<your pid>/'