i am trying to import action bar sherlock i downloaded the project and i am following http://wptrafficanalyzer.in/blog/setting-up-sherlock-library-for-action-bar-in-pre-honeycomb-android-applications/ As per the screen shot in site i attache my screen too but after selecting root directory it is asking me to select atleast one project why? Help will be thank ful...
As a directory can contain more than one project, eclipse offers a dialog where you can choose which project you want to import.
Actionbarsherlock contains, as far as I remember, a library and an example folder. The library folder is the one you want to import.
So simply select the library project and then link that one to the project you want to use it in. (you can of course also rename the project in eclipse after importing it, as "library" isn't really descriptive.