Okay, this is my first project(bank application) in JAVA, and all I want is to display the results taken from a database and set it into a JTextArea. However, I want the bank clerk to be able to click on a line in the JTextArea and do certain actions(I will take care of that once I get the results in the JTextArea); that's why I'm using a JList. I have gotten to the point that I was able to show the results in the JTextArea without using the JList. My question is:
Here is part of my code:
// function that will search for a record in the database
private void searchRecord(){
try {
Connection connect = null;
String url = "url";
String user = "user";
String password ="password";
connect = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password);
Statement SQLStatement = connect.createStatement();
String select = "SELECT * FROM customerinfo WHERE LastName LIKE '"+ txtSearch.getText().trim() +"%'";
ResultSet rows = SQLStatement.executeQuery(select);
String first = rows.getString("FirstName");
String last = rows.getString("LastName");
String middleInitial = rows.getString("MiddleInitial");
String[] row = {first, last, middleInitial};
list = new JList(row);
//textArea.append(row[1].toString() + ", " + row[0].toString() + " " + row[2].toString() + ".\n");
textArea.append(list values goes here + "\n"); // here is where I'm stuck!!!
Thanks in advanced!!!
//Dont put list to JTextArea.You can put data into directly
String first = rows.getString("FirstName");
String last = rows.getString("LastName");
String middleInitial = rows.getString("MiddleInitial");
JTextArea txaDetails=new JTextArea();
txaDetails.append("\n"+first +last +middleInitial +"\n");