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How can I manage a multidimensional array with Struts Form

I'm using Apache Struts 1.3 to render a grid, whitch is a html form embebed in a .jsp. Something like

<html:form action="/">
<html:text property="taxation[0][0]" value="" styleClass="gridInputs"></html:text>
<html:text property="taxation[0][1]" value="" styleClass="gridInputs"></html:text>
<html:text property="taxation[10][10]" value="" styleClass="gridInputs"></html:text>

MyController is associated to an ActionForm:

public class MyForm extends ActionForm{

protected String taxation[][]= new String [10][10]; 

public String[] getTaxation() {
    return taxation;

public void setTaxation(String[][] taxation) {
    this.taxation = taxation;

The problem arise when I try to retrieve the information submitted by the form. Whithin MyController.class I've a simple dispatcher action

public class MyController extends DispatchAction {
public ActionForward processForm(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
        HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {

    MyForm myform = (MyForm) form;

            // Here i can use the getter method to retrieve an array, but
           // myform is already wrong populated from struts


    return mapping.findForward("stage2");


I know I can use a Vector (unidimensional array) and It works just fine, but regrettably I need to follow some specs (and the specs force me to use the class MyForm with a 10x10 matrix...). How would be the right way to populated a two dimensional array using struts?

Thank you for the help!


  • Struts does not support filling of multidimensional array in Form bean. However, it does handle uni-dimensional array of an object. So as a work around if you can create a class (say MatrixRow) which itself contains an Uni-dimensional array and then you can create an Uni-dimensional array of that object in the form bean. Your new class will be look like

        public class MatrixRow {
        private String matrixCol[] = new String[10];
         * @return the matrixCol
        public String[] getMatrixCol() {
            return matrixCol;
         * @param matrixCol the matrixCol to set
        public void setMatrixCol(String[] matrixCol) {
            this.matrixCol = matrixCol;

    Then in your form bean

    private MatrixRow[] arrMatrix = new MatrixRow[10];
         * @return the arrMatrix
        public MatrixRow[] getArrMatrix() {
            return arrMatrix;
         * @param arrMatrix the arrMatrix to set
        public void setArrMatrix(MatrixRow[] arrMatrix) {
            this.arrMatrix = arrMatrix;

    and In your JSP, you can use it something like

        <html:form action="">
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
        <logic:iterate id="matrixRows" name="biArrayTestForm" 
                       property="arrMatrix" indexId="sno" 
                       type="logic.MatrixRow" >
            <td><bean:write name="sno"/></td>
        <logic:iterate id="matrixCol" name="matrixRows" property="matrixCol" indexId = "colNo">
               <input type="text" name="arrMatrix[<%=sno %>].matrixCol[<%=colNo %>]">
          <td align="center" valign="top" colspan="2">
            <td align="center" valign="top" colspan="2">
              <html:submit property="command" value="Test"></html:submit>

    When you submit that form you will get all columns of MatrixRow object filled with the values.

    I hope this will help you. I don't find any other way of using multidimensional array in Struts1.