I am trying to use Frama-C value analysis to study a large generated C code where the bound checks are done using a bitwise AND (&) instead of a logical AND (&&). For instance:
int t[3];
if ((0 <= x) & (x < 3))
t[x] = 0;
Frama-C value analysis complains about the array access :
warning: accessing out of bounds index [-2147483648..2147483647]. assert 0 ≤ x < 3;
I managed to make it happy on small examples by adding assertions before the test:
//@ assert (x < 0 || 0<=x);
//@ assert (x < 3 || 3<=x);
and increasing the slevel
but I can't do that in real code (too large !).
Does anybody have an idea of what I can do to remove this alarm ?
(BTW is there any reason to write the tests that way ?)
The patch below will make Value deal uniformly with e1 && e1
and c1 & c2
, where c1
and c2
are conditions (but not arbitrary expressions).
Index: src/value/eval_exprs.ml
--- src/value/eval_exprs.ml (révision 21388)
+++ src/value/eval_exprs.ml (copie de travail)
@@ -1748,11 +1748,23 @@
reduce_by_comparison ~with_alarms reduce_rel
cond.positive exp1 binop exp2 state
- | true, BinOp (LAnd, exp1, exp2, _)
- | false, BinOp (LOr, exp1, exp2, _) ->
+ | true,
+ ( BinOp (LAnd, exp1, exp2, _)
+ | BinOp (BAnd, (* 'cond1 & cond2' can be treated as 'e1 && e2' *)
+ ({ enode = BinOp ((Le|Ne|Eq|Gt|Lt|Ge), _, _, _)} as exp1),
+ ({ enode = BinOp ((Le|Ne|Eq|Gt|Lt|Ge), _, _, _)} as exp2),
+ _))
+ | false,
+ ( BinOp (LOr, exp1, exp2, _)
+ | BinOp (BOr, (* '!(cond1 | cond2)' can be treated as '!(e1 || e2)' *)
+ ({ enode = BinOp ((Le|Ne|Eq|Gt|Lt|Ge), _, _, _)} as exp1),
+ ({ enode = BinOp ((Le|Ne|Eq|Gt|Lt|Ge), _, _, _)} as exp2),
+ _))
+ ->
let new_state = aux {cond with exp = exp1} state in
let result = aux {cond with exp = exp2} new_state in
| false, BinOp (LAnd, exp1, exp2, _)
| true, BinOp (LOr, exp1, exp2, _) ->
let new_v1 = try aux {cond with exp = exp1} state