Most Haskell FRP frameworks like AFRP, Yampa and Reactive-banana make a difference between continuous time-varying functions and discrete ones. Usually they call them behaviors and events.
One exception is Netwire, which uses an inhibition monoid to model events. What are pros and cons of such an approach?
In particular, I'm interested in application of FRP to robot controlling. For example, this paper show a way to encode a task and HSM abstractions in FRP using events. Can this be directly translated to Netwire?
After some trials I've implemented the behavior I needed. Basically, You write a custom inhibitor type which catches the concept of events you need. In my case it was
data Inhibitor = Done | Timeout | Interrupt deriving Show
Done means normal finishing and the rest constructors signal some kind of an error.
After it, you write any custom combinators you need. In my case I needed a way to stop computations and signal a error further:
timeout deadline w | deadline <= 0 = inhibit Timeout
| otherwise = mkGen $ \dt a -> do
res <- stepWire w dt a
case res of
(Right o, w') -> return (Right o, timeout (deadline - dt) w')
(Left e, _) -> return (Left e, inhibit e)
This is a variant of switchBy which allows you to change the wire once. Note, it passes the inhibition signal of a new wire:
switchOn new w0 =
mkGen $ \dt x' ->
let select w' = do
(mx, w) <- stepWire w' dt x'
case mx of
Left ex -> stepWire (new ex) dt x'
Right x -> return (Right x, switchOn new w)
in select w0
And this is a variant of (-->) which catches the idea of interrupting the task chain.
infixr 1 ~>
w1 ~> w2 = switchOn ( \e -> case e of
Done -> w2
_ -> inhibit e
) w1