I'm writing a Java webservice client that will be running on WebSphere. I created a new "Web Service Client" project in RAD Developer, gave it my WSDL, specified "Top down Java Bean", and it autogenerated a bunch of files.
One of the operations is "GetAddressData". RAD Developer auto-generated "GetAddressData.java" and "GetAddressDataResonse.java", both annotated with "XmlRootElement".
One of the arguments in "GetAddressData" is "RequestData", a simple object consisting of four strings: worfklow, module, username, and id. RAD Developer generated a "RequestData.java" for me too.
Is there any way that I can substitute raw XML for the JAXB "RequestData" object, instead of packing and unpacking the record a field at a time?
I tried something like this:
private static String theXml =
"<requestOptions>\n" +
" <WorkflowName>unmarshalTestWorkflow</WorkflowName>\n" +
" <ModuleName>unmarshalTestModule</ModuleName>\n" +
" <UserName>unmarshalTestName</UserName>\n" +
" <TransactionId>0099</TransactionId>\n" +
private RequestOptions mkRequestOptions () throws Exception {
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(RequestOptions.class);
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
Object obj = unmarshaller.unmarshal(new StringReader (theXml));
RequestOptions requestOptions = (RequestOptions)obj;
But I keep getting:
error: Unexpected element "requestOptions". Expected elements are "".
You'll need to do 2 things.
<requestOptions xmlns=\"http://www.company.com/ns\">
. This reaches back to your XSD.Illustrated here:
public class Test
static String randomXml =
"<divisionRequestHeader xmlns=\"http://www.company.com/ns/\">"
+ "<id>fake id</id>"
+ "<CoName>My Co Name</CoName>" + "<User>"
+ "<Type>EXTERNAL</Type>" + "<Value>me</Value>" + "</User>"
+ "<Count>100</Count>"
+ "<Requestor>My App Requesting</Requestor>"
+ "</divisionRequestHeader>";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(DivisionRequestHeader.class);
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
Source source = new StreamSource(new StringReader(randomXml));
JAXBElement<DivisionRequestHeader> jaxbElement = unmarshaller.unmarshal(source,
DivisionRequestHeader header = jaxbElement.getValue();
Output with jaxb toString plugin:
com.company.ns.DivisionRequestHeader@620c620c[id=fake id, coName=My Co Name,
user=com.company.ns.User@79e479e4[type=EXTERNAL, value=me], count=100,
requestor=My App Requesting]