What's a prefereed way to download Scala , via scala-lang.org, can it be added directly by the Eclipse IDE or how to add Scala to Eclipse IDE? Is there a convention on how to add a JVM language?
I could add Clojure and Scala from Help...install new software so now I can create those kinds of projects:
You typically install a plugin for that language using Eclipse's build in plugin language.
for instance for Clojure you can search the plugin manager for "counter clockwise" to get Clojure support. for Scala it looks like http://scala-ide.org/ is a good starting point for detailed instructions and a nice screencast on setting this up. It's worth noting that many JVM languages like Clojure don't need to be explicitly installed, they are downloaded as required by standard Java build tools like Maven. Other languages like Groovy are more easily used if you install them explicity.