I have started writing test cases to my Mule project.
I have written the functional test case for my Main Flows as follows.
public void testMainFlow_1() throws Exception{
MuleClient client = muleContext.getClient();
MuleMessage result = client.send(helloServiceAddress, fileAsString("SamplePayloads/input_Request.xml"), properties);
assertNotNull("Null Result", result);
assertEquals(result.getPayloadAsString(), fileAsString("SampleResponses/sampleResponse.xml"));
But how can I test my sub-flows. They don't have any end-points. So how can I pass payload to them and test it.
Given below is my flow config.
<flow name="main_flow" >
<flow-ref name="subflow_1" />
<flow-ref name="subflow_2" />
<sub-flow name="subflow_1">
<some-transformer ... />
<out-bound call to web-service />
<some-transformer ... />
<sub-flow name="subflow_2">
<some-transformer ... />
<out-bound call to web-service />
<some-transformer ... />
Using the FunctionalTestCase
it should be as simple as:
MessageProcessor subFlow = muleContext.getRegistry().lookupObject("subflow_1");
MuleEvent result = subFlow.process(getTestEvent("test_data"));
but it doesn't work.
For now, the best approach IMO consists in having a test config that contains flow wrappers for the sub-flows you want to test and load this test config alongside your main config in the FunctionalTestCase
@genjosanzo's approach works too but it is based on associating the sub-flow with a pre-existing main-flow from test code itself. I personally think it would be stricter to create test flows instead.