I am new to C# programming. I am working in a firm, someone has completed some task and left with graph parts. Now i have to do this.
I am using steema chart in C#, I want to create chart with multiple axis on left side of the chart (y-axis) and comman x- axis for all. Each axis on lest side will be different axis lengths.
I have created six check boxes for different sensor, when i tick that box then regarding axis with default length should appear. I have created check box's but i am not able to set axis length and also i am not able to draw multiple axis.
I don't know this is the right way to ask? Please excuse me if i am wrong? if i haven't provided much information then please ask me i will do it.
I want to draw the type of chart as shown in the attached image. The X-axis(system time) is common for all series and Y-axis is different for each series. i have chek boxes for all series so when check box checked then that series Y-axis has to display with default axis range(for example min (0) and max (1000)).
Thanks in advance.
Something very similar was discussed in the Steema Support forums some time ago. Give it a look here.
I post the same code here:
int nSeries = 3;
private void InitializeChart()
tChart1.Aspect.View3D = false;
tChart1.Header.Visible = false;
tChart1.Legend.Alignment = LegendAlignments.Bottom;
for (int i = 0; i < nSeries; i++)
new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Line(tChart1.Chart);
tChart1.Axes.Custom.Add(new Steema.TeeChart.Axis(tChart1.Chart));
tChart1[i].CustomVertAxis = tChart1.Axes.Custom[i];
tChart1.Axes.Custom[i].AxisPen.Color = tChart1[i].Color;
tChart1.Axes.Custom[i].Grid.Visible = false;
tChart1.Axes.Custom[i].Title.Visible = true;
tChart1.Axes.Custom[i].Title.Caption = "Series" + i.ToString();
tChart1.Axes.Custom[i].PositionUnits = PositionUnits.Pixels;
tChart1.Panel.MarginUnits = PanelMarginUnits.Pixels;
PlaceAxes(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
private void PlaceAxes(int nSeries, int NextXLeft, int NextXRight, int MargLeft, int MargRight)
const int extraPos = 12;
const int extraMargin = 105;
int MaxLabelsWidth;
int lenghtTicks;
int extraSpaceBetweenTitleAndLabels;
if (tChart1[nSeries].Active)
MaxLabelsWidth = tChart1.Axes.Custom[nSeries].MaxLabelsWidth();
lenghtTicks = tChart1.Axes.Custom[nSeries].Ticks.Length;
extraSpaceBetweenTitleAndLabels = (tChart1.Axes.Custom[nSeries].Title.Width);//- tChart1.Axes.Custom[nSeries].MaxLabelsWidth());
if (tChart1.Axes.Custom[nSeries].OtherSide)
tChart1.Axes.Custom[nSeries].RelativePosition = NextXRight;
NextXRight = NextXRight - (MaxLabelsWidth + lenghtTicks + extraSpaceBetweenTitleAndLabels + extraPos);
MargRight = MargRight + extraMargin;
tChart1.Axes.Custom[nSeries].RelativePosition = NextXLeft;
NextXLeft = NextXLeft - (MaxLabelsWidth + lenghtTicks + extraSpaceBetweenTitleAndLabels + extraPos);
MargLeft = MargLeft + extraMargin;
tChart1.Panel.MarginLeft = MargLeft;
tChart1.Panel.MarginRight = MargRight;
if (nSeries <= tChart1.Series.Count - 1)
PlaceAxes(nSeries, NextXLeft, NextXRight, MargLeft, MargRight);