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How to preserve this value

I have reserved bytes that are modified by my assembly routine.

I was using pusha /* did my job */ and then popa but it results in segmentation fault.

If I replace the pusha and popa with push eax push ecx /* do my job */ pop ecx pop eax it works fine.

But why do I get this seg fault? How is it related to pusha?

Below is a part of my code. Here, I only use two out of eight registers. If I need to use eight in my routine, will I need to push and pop each register? Is there no way to do pusha and popa but keeping buf?

    mov eax,10
    cmp eax,0
    je .END
    mov [buf + ecx],'.'
    inc ecx
    dec eax
    jmp .AGAIN
    mov [buf + ecx],0
    mov ebp,buf
    call puts

don't give a seg fault:

    push eax
    push ecx
    mov eax,10
    cmp eax,0
    je .END
    mov [buf + ecx],'#'
    inc ecx
    dec eax
    jmp .AGAIN
    mov [buf + ecx],0
    mov ebp,buf
    call puts
    pop ecx
    pop eax

buf is defined as:

segment readable writeable
buf rb 12


  • Pusha/popa save the 16-bit registers (AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, SI, DI). You are changing the 32 bit registers EAX and ECX so use the 32 bit equivalent: pushad and popad.