In my code i want to insert into db without any rounding or exponentiation ..but it is converted in my java code when i use a sop as 2.631578947368421E-7
Below is the code i use:
BigDecimal a =new BigDecimal(0.0000002631578947368421052631578947368421052632,MathContext.DECIMAL64);
I just want it to be maintained as it is because i want to do some calculations .
Please do provide me an apt solution.
Construct the big decimal using a String, otherwise the constant you enter gets rounded before it is passed as argument to the constructor of BigDecimal
So write something like this:
BigDecimal a =new BigDecimal("0.0000002631578947368421052631578947368421052632");
And all should work.
EDIT: you should also get rid of the second argument of the constructor as
static MathContext.DECIMAL64
means: A MathContext object with a precision setting matching the IEEE 754R Decimal64 format, 16 digits, and a rounding mode of HALF_EVEN, the IEEE 754R default.
EDIT2: also use a.toPlainString()
when printing to not use scientific notation.