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how to find list of addins in a word application

I've created an office:word add-in using visual studio tools for office (VSTO). I've modified the loadehavior of the add-in to '0' to stop its auto load behavior.

My requirement is to start an word document from a c# application and enable the add-in only for this word instance.

Using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;

  Word.Application wordApp;

  //Instantiate a word application
  wordApp = new Word.Application();
  wordApp.visible = true;

  // Open a document
  wordApp.Documents.Open(ref wordFile, ref Missing.value, ..... etc );  

  foreach (Word.AddIns addins in wordApp.Application.AddIns)

for loop throws exception:

Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.AddIn'  

* how to get/store/iterate list of addins/COMaddins *



  • finally I found solution to my problem:

    // This will return all the word addins
    Microsoft.Office.Core.COMAddIns comAddins = wordApp.COMAddIns;
    // Iterate through all the addins 
    for(Microsoft.Office.Core.COMAddIns addins in wordApp.COMAddIns)