So I take in a line from a .txt file and turn it into a string. I would like to split the string up by |, but I also have spaces before and after it that is messing with the code, here is what I have so far:
File file = new File(fileLocation);
Scanner sc = new Scanner(file);
String line;
String[] words;
line =;
words = line.split("\\|");
An example line would be something like: in blue|in blau
I would also like to keep the spaces.
The .txt file would be:
in Rot|in red
in Blau|in blue
in Grun|in green
in Gelb|in Yellow
It would add all the items on the left of the | to the german list, and all of the ones on the right to the english list.
Ah, figured it out, the is the next String, not the next line, I replaced it with sc.nextLine() and everything worked, thanks.
line.replaceAll(" ", "");
beforehand; this will get rid of all the spaces. If you only want leading and trailing spaces from the split strings removed, use