I have a site built in Jekyll for rapid prototyping of a JavaScript project I'm working on: Choropleth
Now I've decided to introduce mustache.js into the project and obviously I ran into the issue of the liquid layouts {{}} syntax conflicting with mustache's syntax.
Does anyone know of a way that I can simply use the Set Delimiter feature of mustache to change how mustache is working in my project? How can I put the write syntax into my JS generated by Jekyll/Liquid?
In my page that I put in the _posts folder (default jekyll setup) I have the following:
layout: test
categories: tests
comments: false
date: 2013-02-02 21:15:30
title: Version 0.1.1 - geoJSON From Google Docs
subtitle: Grab the Data from Google Docs Spreadsheet
mustacheSetDelimiter: "{{={u{ }u}=}}"
Then down below I have the following test line:
// Testing mustache template: use this to set new delimiter tags {{page.mustacheSetDelimiter}}
console.log(Mustache.render("{{page.mustacheSetDelimiter}} County name: {u{countyname}u}", masterGeoJSON.features[0].properties));
It works like a charm.