I want to Change a Char to the short with the same bit structure. Both are 16 bits
I understand that short are 2s complement if they were 1s complement I could use
if a < 0 {return (short) math.abs a + 2 ^ 15;} else {return (short) a;} //right?
How do I do this to 2s complement negative?
I simply want to be able to manipulate the innards of a Char in the same way as I can a Integer.
If the answer is just add one I am going to become emotional :)
The simple solution is to do
char ch = ...
short s = (short) ch;
char ch2 = (char) s;
// ch == ch2
Perhaps you imagine it has to be more complicated than it is ;)
I simply want to be able to manipulate the innards of a Char in the same way as I can a Integer.
In that case you don't even want a short
, you want an int
which is even simpler.
// sum all the chars of a string
String s = "Hello World";
int sum = 0;
for(char ch: s.toCharArray())
sum += ch;
If the answer is just add one I am going to become emotional
No, even less than that. :j
BTW you can do
char ch = 'A';
int i = ch + 0;
int j = ch;