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Filter a list in Java

I have a list of people with additional information - let's say book rentals. So each Rental-object in my list would include a Person-object as an attribute and some rental information. For each person there will be 1..n entries in the list.

Now I need to filter this list based on some criteria. If ONE of the entries matches a certain criteria, I want to delete ALL entries for that person, even if the other entries do not match the criteria.

Is there a nice way to do this in one filter? Alternative would be to scan the list, identify people whose entries should be removed and then apply something like

Collections2.filter(myList, new MyPredicate(peopleIWantToRemove))

but I would like to do it with just one-time-list-traversal. How can I do this?


  • Going through the list twice (once to determine all the "bad" people, a second time to remove them) is, from an algorithm run-time standpoint, perfectly harmless. Whether you go through the list once or twice, the algorithm runs in O(n) time.

    However, if you're really serious about only going through the list once, you could construct a temporary data structure that keeps track of all the places each person appears alongside a list of the people you want to get rid of.

    Map<Person, List<Rental>> rentalsPerPerson;
    List<People> badPeople;

    When you parse the list the first time, you populate these two structures. Then you go through the list of badPeople, pull out their list of Rental objects, and purge those one at a time from your original list.

    But honestly, that feels like a lot of bother for not much gain.

    The way I'd recommend doing it? Go through the list twice. First pass: Compile a Set of bad people. Second pass: Create a new output List, initially empty. Go through your original List. For each element, if the Person isn't in the Bad set, add the entry to your output List.