I am building one speech recognition app using classes available in .net framework. My client wants to run this application in Linux using mono framework.
I tried to search whether this particular namespace and its related classes are available and working in mono framework too but couldn't find 100% correct answer.
So I have two questions in my mind :
Whether this System.Speech.Recognition
namespace is available in mono?
How to check if particular namespace/feature/class present in .net is available in mono?
Thanks in advance
Depending on your version of mono, see this link for what's available in Mono compared to the .NET framework: http://go-mono.com/status/status.aspx?reference=4.0&profile=4.5&assembly=System.Speech
So, yes, there seems to be a System.Speech.Recognition namespace available in the Mono framework, and it actually seems complete. I've never used it though.