I am trying to get what lines of code my unit tests do not cover.
I do my unit tests with mocha, which offers a reporter "json-cov" which should report how many lines I didn't execute.
I have two files, the first one (foo.js):
module.exports = function () {
for (var result = 0, i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
result += arguments[i];
return result;
and the second one (test.js):
var expect = require('expect.js'),
jsc = require('jscoverage'),
//foo = require('./foo.js');
foo = jsc.require(module, './foo.js');
describe('foo', function () {
it('should add all arguments', function () {
When I run mocha -R json-cov test.js
I get the following result:
"instrumentation": "node-jscoverage",
"sloc": 0,
"hits": 0,
"misses": 0,
"coverage": 0,
"files": [],
"stats": {
"suites": 1,
"tests": 1,
"passes": 1,
"pending": 0,
"failures": 0,
"start": "2013-01-30T18:00:15.785Z",
"end": "2013-01-30T18:00:15.787Z",
"duration": 2
"tests": [
"title": "should add all arguments",
"fullTitle": "foo should add all arguments",
"duration": 1
"failures": [],
"passes": [
"title": "should add all arguments",
"fullTitle": "foo should add all arguments",
"duration": 1
What am I doing wrong, so that sloc, hits, misses and coverage are 0?
I also tried to use nodes require
instead of jscs, without success.
EDIT: I just tried mocha -R json-cov test.js --coverage
which results in an error if I use jscs require
. When I use nodes require
the result is the same as above.
EDIT: I can't even run jscoverage from console. I created a folder foo and foo-cov and copied my foo.js in the folder foo. Then I ran jscoverage foo foo-cov
which gave me an error abs source path or abs dest path needed!
. I also tried absolute paths and a few other ways to arrange the arguments. No success. How can I prepare the files for jscoverage?
EDIT: If it is of any relevance, I am using Windows.
EDIT: Just realized that there isn't only a single 'jscoverage' package available via npm, but also a 'visionmedia-jscoverage'. Trying to install that one fails. Probably because of Windows vs. Linux.
EDIT: Got it to work. Instead of using a node package to prepare the code, I now just run jscoverage.exe (downloaded from here) from the console, and then go with mocha -R html-cov test.js > coverage.html
. Now I have the problem that some code gets escaped. So I get
<span class="k">var</span> foo <span class="k">=</span> <span class="k">{</span>
instead of
var foo = {
with highlighting.
EDIT: The tags got escaped because they were rendered via a jade template with this code: td.source= line.source
Changing this to td.source!= line.source
fixes this last issue I had.
Follow my EDITs to see what I did to solve this.