I am writing an addin for word to automate editing of a protocol template.
In the template is a table and I want to extract/copy the formated text of a cell inside this table.
Right now I am doing it this way:
Range formattedText = agendaTable.Rows[i].Cells[1].Range;
string temp = formattedText.WordOpenXML;
Later I want to paste the text into another tables cell:
The formating is correct, except a linebreak ("\r\a") at the end, which comes from the range where I extract the text out of the cell. Seems like word uses the linebreak to mark the cells end.
So after inserting the text into the other tables cell, I have two linebreaks. How can I avoid that duplication of linebreaks? Does someone know an alternative method to retrieve the cells content?
Update: May be I ask my question in another way.
My overall problem is to copy more than one formatted text range to memory and later paste it somewhere in the same document.
Try the following code, it copies the text and formatting from one cell to another:
var copyFrom = agendaTable.Rows[i].Cells[1].Range;
var copyTo = otherTablesRow.Cells[1].Range;
copyFrom.MoveEnd(WdUnits.wdCharacter, -1);
copyTo.FormattedText = copyFrom.FormattedText;
There is an end of cell character in the agendaTable Range that messes up the target cell in your example; using MoveEnd we copy everything except the end of cell character (last character).