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JavaScript inheritance, interface

I have a few problem with JavaScript inheritance and prototype. All the research I have made, in stackoverflow/google lead me to use the prototype of my class, but that's the point I want to avoid. I know JavaScript is not conceived that way but I'm sure it's possible, I'm just stuck.

I have two classes (or more maybe later). One is the base, that will be the mother of all, I want it to have all the basics attributes and method (like a basic OO). My objects are for geometry.

    function EnvObject(){
      this.position = {x: 0, y: 0};
      this.velocity = {x: 0, y: 0};
      this.mass = 0; // kg
      this.restitution = 0; // Restitution
      this.A = 0;
      this.Cd = 0; // Drag force
      function init(_x, _y, _mass, _restitution)
    function oCircle()
     function foo(){}
     function bar(){}
    function oSquare()
     function foo(){}
     function bar(){}

The main class provide all the information for my classes, like square or circle... Extend it with prototype will lead to big problem and a great thing, Methods are well shared (that's cool), but my attributes are also shared so when I change it in my Square class, the attributes will also change in Circle (which is a bad things)

I know the main solution is to not provides an interface for attributes, and place them only in the Square/Circle classes, but it's not very clean (I mean I write same attributes twice or more).

My main goal is to create a new class with 2 or more other class, without them sharing anything or maybe just few method? And eventually writing clean code? :)

So I've tried many scripts... All of them use that technique. Or maybe I'm just wrong which is probably true.

Also I know that class doesn't exist in JS, it's just a big function. Is it better to write object like this? I tend to like it much, because using function is a bit confusion in my opinion. Maybe inheritance is much easier in this way?

var envObject = {
    position: {x, y}
var oCircle = {
    foo: function(){}


  • You've probably got issues with the nested objects (position, velocity). You will need to create the subobjects for each distinct instance separately.

    Also I know that class doesn't exist in JS, it's just a big function. Is it better to write object like this?

    No, not "better", it's just different. Instead of using constructor functions that are called with new and set properties on this, you can just use functions that return plain objects - less confusing.

    Maybe inheritance is much easier in this way?

    Not the prototypical inheritance that JavaScript uses. Also, you might want to have a look at this answer on how "classes" work in JavaScript.