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Android Plugin/Application to store texts posted in social networks and resuse them

I want to develop an app which will appear like a plugin when the user types something to a social network apps(comments or posts in facebook/tweets in twitter e.t.c). The app should appear as a handle so that the user will not be interrupted while using the social network. The app should be able to log the messages posted by the user and the user should be able to retrieve any logged texts from app so that he/she can reuse the same texts while posting. Is it possible to implement such an app along with the social network app running? Kindly provide any links/ideas/design approaches....Waiting for your guidance..

Thanks, Srooth


  • I don't think you'll be able to show a "handle" (unless you make a javascript plugin that runs on web browsers) but you can make the app I suppose. Here's one approach:

    1. Create a web app that uses site-specific authentication and ask for permissions from all the social networks you plan to target.

    2. Get permissions to read posts, comments, tweets etc using the site's API.

    3. Periodically retrieve this stuff using the API from the sites and store them in your own server.

    4. Write an android app that has a nice UI that retrieves this data for a particular user from your server (via your own REST API) and displays it in the mobile app.

    This is a very high-level overview and the actual implementation is gonna be difficult and will take a while. But the basic approach should work. Good luck!