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Custom delegate issue

I'm working with a custom delegate and protocol functionality.

I implemented my class like follows:

@protocol MyDelegate <NSObject>

- (void)update;


@interface MyHandlerClass : NSObject
    id <MyDelegate>delegate;
@property (nonatomic, weak) id <MyDelegate>delegate;


My implementation class looks like:

@implementation MyHandlerClass
@synthesize delegate = _delegate;
- (void)updateRequired: (id)sender
        [delegate update];

And from another class I'm setting it like:

[sharedManager setDelegate:self];

But when the updateRequired is triggered it is showing as nil.

Then I added a setter method like:

- (void)setDelegate:(id<MyDelegate>)aDelegate
   delegate = aDelegate;

Everything works fine !!!

Then I changed the updateRequired method (without custom setter) like:

- (void)updateRequired: (id)sender
            [_delegate update];

It is also working fine !!!

I couldn't find why it is not worked for the first case and why it is worked for the other two cases ?

Please help me to find the issue, Thanks in advance


  • You have inadvertently declared one ivar called delegate

      id <MyDelegate>delegate;

    and another ivar called _delegate

      @synthesize delegate = _delegate;

    Some suggestions...

    • don't declare the iVar separately from your @property declaration

    • don't @synthesize, since XCode 4.4 you don't have to. The compiler will autosynthesize and autocreate an iVar with leading underscore

    • always refer to you ivar via it's property, inside and outside of your class. Only exceptions are in init, dealloc and inside custom setters and getters.

    So this is how your code should look

        @protocol MyDelegate <NSObject>
        - (void)update;
        @interface MyHandlerClass : NSObject
        @property (nonatomic, weak) id <MyDelegate>delegate;
        @implementation MyHandlerClass
        - (void)updateRequired: (id)sender
                [self.delegate update];