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charts won't draw with extjs 3.4

A simple problem, really simple code, i just copy/paste the code example, on my local project of course, but no charts drawing ... i really don't understand what's happening, i change in doubt url of the swf on my local folder, same problem, please help !

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Charts v1.0</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/ext-all.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ext-base-debug.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ext-all-debug.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">


         // extra extra simple
        Ext.chart.Chart.CHART_URL = 'images/charts.swf';

         var store = new{
            fields:['name', 'visits', 'views'],
        data: [
            {name:'Jul 07', visits: 245000, views: 3000000},
            {name:'Aug 07', visits: 240000, views: 3500000},
            {name:'Sep 07', visits: 355000, views: 4000000},
            {name:'Oct 07', visits: 375000, views: 4200000},
            {name:'Nov 07', visits: 490000, views: 4500000},
            {name:'Dec 07', visits: 495000, views: 5800000},
            {name:'Jan 08', visits: 520000, views: 6000000},
            {name:'Feb 08', visits: 620000, views: 7500000}

// extra extra simple
new Ext.Panel({
    title: ' Visits Trend, 2007/2008 (No styling)',
    renderTo: 'container',
    items: {
        xtype: 'linechart',
        store: store,
        xField: 'name',
        yField: 'visits',
        listeners: {
            itemclick: function(o){
                var rec = store.getAt(o.index);
                Ext.example.msg('Item Selected', 'You chose {0}.', rec.get('name'));

<body style="padding: 50px;"><div id='container'></div></body>

No network problem, all needed ressources are correctly loaded .. also tried with no def of the url, in this case extjs get the swf on yahooui cdn, same problem


  • you cannot run it locally without a webserver, that's why it fails. Setup up a local webserver an it should work.