I'm trying to build a User Interface for the RGBike POV: http://www.instructables.com/id/RGBike-POV-Open-project/ The program will display a bike wheel in form of a grid. The user can click onto the single squares and changes the colour of these. I want to build this applet in java. I'm stuck at drawing the wheel in the right way. I need to have a sort of array of every rectangle, to export the colour later. The best thing would be to draw a sort of circular table. Drawing each shape With graphics2D to have each as a single object would be an idea, too. But that would be around 860 single shapes, little bit too much to update them every time by paint().
Spoke POV has done such a user Interface for their project already: http://www.ladyada.net/make/spokepov/software.html But only their old python script is open source.
Be VERY grateful that I have previously generate a "segment" shape in the past ;)
This basically generates each segment individually (does some funky translation into real space) and maintains a cache of shapes which can be checked to see if the mouse falls within there bounds.
This is rather inefficient, but I think you get the idea.
I should also be noted, that I didn't bother with a backing buffer. Not to say it could use one, I just got away without it...
public class TestSpoke {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new TestSpoke();
public TestSpoke() {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test");
frame.add(new TestPane());
public static class TestPane extends JPanel {
public static final int CIRCLE_COUNT = 16;
public static final int SEGMENT_COUNT = 80;
private Map<Integer, List<Shape>> mapWheel;
private Map<Point, Color> mapColors;
public TestPane() {
mapColors = new HashMap<>(CIRCLE_COUNT * SEGMENT_COUNT);
addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
Map<Integer, List<Shape>> mapWheel = getWheel();
for (Integer circle : mapWheel.keySet()) {
List<Shape> segments = mapWheel.get(circle);
for (int index = 0; index < segments.size(); index++) {
Shape segment = segments.get(index);
if (segment.contains(e.getPoint())) {
mapColors.put(new Point(circle, index), Color.RED);
public void invalidate() {
mapWheel = null;
protected float getRadius() {
return Math.min(getWidth(), getHeight());
* This builds a wheel (if required) made of segments.
* @return
protected Map<Integer, List<Shape>> getWheel() {
if (mapWheel == null) {
mapWheel = new HashMap<>(CIRCLE_COUNT);
// The current radius
float radius = getRadius();
// The radius of each individual circle...
float circleRadius = radius / CIRCLE_COUNT;
// The range of each segment
float extent = 360f / SEGMENT_COUNT;
for (int circle = 0; circle < CIRCLE_COUNT; circle++) {
float startAngle = 0;
List<Shape> segments = new ArrayList<>(SEGMENT_COUNT);
mapWheel.put(circle, segments);
// Calculate the "translation" to place each segement in the
// center of the screen
float innerRadius = circleRadius * circle;
float x = (getWidth() - innerRadius) / 2;
float y = (getHeight() - innerRadius) / 2;
for (int seg = 0; seg < SEGMENT_COUNT; seg++) {
// Generate a Segment shape
Segment segment = new Segment(circleRadius * circle, circleRadius, startAngle, extent);
startAngle += extent;
// We translate the segment to the screen space
// This will make it faster to paint and check for mouse clicks
PathIterator pi = segment.getPathIterator(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y));
Path2D path = new Path2D.Float();
path.append(pi, true);
return mapWheel;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create();
Map<Integer, List<Shape>> mapWheel = getWheel();
for (Integer circle : mapWheel.keySet()) {
List<Shape> segments = mapWheel.get(circle);
for (int index = 0; index < segments.size(); index++) {
Shape segment = segments.get(index);
Color color = mapColors.get(new Point(circle, index));
if (color != null) {
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(200, 200);
public static class Segment extends Path2D.Float {
public Segment(float radius, float thickness, float extent) {
this(radius, thickness, 0f, extent);
public Segment(float radius, float thickness, float startAngle, float extent) {
// Basically, we want to draw the outter edge from a to b angle,
// draw the connecting line from the outter to the inner,
// draw the inner from b to a angel and
// draw the connecting line from the inner to out the outter
// We want to span about 30 degrees, with a small gap...
// I want the gap to be a factor of the radius
Arc2D.Float outter = new Arc2D.Float(0, 0, radius, radius, startAngle, extent, Arc2D.OPEN);
Arc2D.Float inner = new Arc2D.Float(thickness / 2f, thickness / 2f, radius - thickness, radius - thickness, startAngle + extent, -extent, Arc2D.OPEN);
append(outter, true);
float angel = startAngle + extent;
Point2D p1 = getPointOnEdge(angel, radius);
Point2D p2 = getPointOnEdge(angel, radius - thickness);
// We need to adjust in for the change in the radius
p2.setLocation(p2.getX() + (thickness / 2f), p2.getY() + (thickness / 2f));
lineTo(p2.getX(), p2.getY());
append(inner, true);
angel = startAngle;
p1 = getPointOnEdge(angel, radius);
p2 = getPointOnEdge(angel, radius - thickness);
p2.setLocation(p2.getX() + (thickness / 2f), p2.getY() + (thickness / 2f));
lineTo(p1.getX(), p1.getY());
public Point2D getPointOnEdge(float angel, float radius) {
angel -= 90;
float x = radius / 2f;
float y = radius / 2f;
double rads = Math.toRadians((angel + 90));
// This determins the length of tick as calculate from the center of
// the circle. The original code from which this derived allowed
// for a varible length line from the center of the cirlce, we
// actually want the opposite, so we calculate the outter limit first
float fullLength = (radius / 2f);
// Calculate the outter point of the line
float xPosy = (float) (x + Math.cos(rads) * fullLength);
float yPosy = (float) (y - Math.sin(rads) * fullLength);
return new Point2D.Float(xPosy, yPosy);