How I can find the euler angles from a random 2x2 ZYZ rotation matrix? We know that all SU(2) matrices can be decomposed, using the ZYZ decomposition, as a three matrices product based in euler angles. In the Wikipedia about euler angles:
"A similar three angle decomposition applies to SU(2), the special unitary group of rotations in complex 2D space, with the difference that β ranges from 0 to 2π. These are also called Euler angles."
I have did try do a equations system in the matlab, but it found the solution in some cases (pauli matrices) and in many other not. It never find to a random SU(2) matrix.
Anybody know a general approach? I already did found how to do 3x3 matrices, but not for 2x2 ZYZ.
Best regards!
from!topic/mathtools/q25a5WoG6Eo, written by Haifeng GONG (didn't you find it by yourself):
function orthm = ang2orth(ang)
sa = sin(ang(2)); ca = cos(ang(2));
sb = sin(ang(1)); cb = cos(ang(1));
sc = sin(ang(3)); cc = cos(ang(3));
ra = [ ca, sa, 0; ...
-sa, ca, 0; ...
0, 0, 1];
rb = [ cb, 0, sb; ...
0, 1, 0; ...
-sb, 0, cb];
rc = [ 1, 0, 0; ...
0, cc, sc;...
0, -sc, cc];
orthm = rc*rb*ra;
function ang = orth2ang(orthm)
ang(1) = asin(orthm(1,3)); %Wei du
ang(2) = angle( orthm(1,1:2)*[1 ;i] ); %Jing Du
yz = orthm* ...
[-sin(ang(2)); cos(ang(2)); 0],...
[-sin(ang(1))*cos(ang(2)); -sin(ang(1)*sin(ang(2)));
cos(ang(1))] ];
ang(3) = angle(yz(2,2:3)* [1; i]); % Xuan Du
As can be seen here and here There is an isomorphism between SO(3) and SU(2)