Search code examples

Adding a @Test method dynamically to junit test class

We have a text file where a list of search query and the expected result is given. Such as,

Search Result

a:120         result1
b:220         result2

Now, we need to write a JUnit (heavily used in our daily build) test class, where each of the row will represent one @Test method. So by that, we know, which search case failed (UI).

We already have a solution, where we have one @Test method only, and we have log to check which case passed or failed.

But, we are trying to achieve per case represented as a junit method. Is it really possible, to dynamically create a @Test method to JUnit architecture.

Our, @Test method is same for every search case. That means, we just want to pass a different parameter every time.

I have come up with a JUnit3 solution to my problem. Need help to translate it to Junit4.

public static Test suite()
      TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
      for ( int i = 1; i <= 5; i++ ) {

         final int j = i;
            new Test1( "testQuery" + i ) {
               protected void runTest()
                  try {
                     testQuery( j );
                  } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {

                     // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                  } catch ( SolrServerException e ) {

                     // TODO Auto-generated catch block

      return suite;


  • In JUnit 4 there is a concept called "Parameterized Test" that is used for exactly this.

    I don't fully understand your test above, but this should give you a hint:

    public class ParameterizedTest {
        private String query;
        private String expectedResult;
        public ParameterizedTest(String query, String expectedResult) {
            this.query = datum;
            this.expectedResult = expectedResult;
        public static Collection<Object[]> generateData() {
            Object[][] data = {
                    { "a:120", "result1" },
                    { "b:220", "result2" },
            return Arrays.asList(data);
        public void checkQueryResult() {
            System.out.println("Checking that the resutl for query " + query + " is " + expectedResult);
            // ...