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@After ,@before not working in testcase

I have started testing and now i want to use @After, @Before and @Test but my application only runs the @Before method and gives output on console


However, if I remove @After and @Before it runs the @Test. My code is here:

public class TestPractise extends AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests{

    public void runBare(){

    public void testingMethod(){

    public void setDirty(){

Why aren't @After, @Test and @before working simultaneously?


  • The AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests class forces the use of the old JUnit 3.x syntax, which means that any of the JUnit 4 annotation will not work.

    Your method runBare() is executed not because of the @Before annotation, but because it is named runBare(), which is a method provided by ConditionalTestCase and JUnit TestCase class.

    So you have 2 solutions:

    • Use the AlexR answer to use JUnit 4 tests and Spring;
    • Keep your inheritance of AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests, but use the onSetUp and onTearDown methods instead of the @Before and @After methods.