Similar to: Jquery slider with progress bar
I have this slider and progress bar, but I want the progress bar synced with with the "previous" and "next" buttons as well. So when you click "next" the progress bar starts from beginning.
var currentIndex = 0;// store current pane index displayed
var ePanes = $('#slider .panel'), // store panes collection
time = 3000,
bar = $('.progress_bar');
function showPane(index){// generic showPane
// hide current pane
ePanes.eq(currentIndex).stop(true, true).fadeOut();
// set current index : check in panes collection length
currentIndex = index;
if(currentIndex < 0) currentIndex = ePanes.length-1;
else if(currentIndex >= ePanes.length) currentIndex = 0;
// display pane
ePanes.eq(currentIndex).stop(true, true).fadeIn();
// menu selection
$('.nav li').removeClass('current').eq(currentIndex).addClass('current');
// bind ul links
$('.nav li').click(function(ev){showPane($(this).index());});
// bind previous & next links
// apply start pane
function run(){
bar.animate({'width': "+=400"}, time, run);
Here you go...
I stopped the animation and reset the bar width to 0 when changing slides, and then restarted the animation (see line 10)...
bar.stop(true, true).css("width", 0).animate({'width': "+=400"}, time, run);