I have a courses0.dat file with a single 4 on line 1 that I want to extract with my ifstream program:
void processEnrollments (std::istream& courseFile);
int main (int argc, char** argv)
// Take input and output file names from the command line
ifstream coursesIn (argv[1]);
return 0;
void processEnrollments (istream& courseFile)
int numCourses;
courseFile >> numCourses;
cout << numCourses;
// Create the arrays we need
//!! Insert your code here
when I run
program courses0.dat
my test is cout'ing a 32767 instead of a 4. My .dat file is in the same directory as my executable.
any clue as to what is going on?
Check for errors! Try to use the full path to the file when you pass it as an argument.
My guess is courseFile >> numCourses;
fails because ifstream coursesIn (argv[1])
doesn't find or can't access the file.
Try this
if( courseFile >> numCourses )
cout << numCourses;
Does it output anything then?