I set (setq find-args "-iname ")
so that M-x find-dired
gives me ... "Run find (with args): -iname " as default. However, it seems to remember its history. Is there a way to disable the history and always start with the default argument "-iname"? I tried to modify find-args-history
without success.
You have to use the function marius/find-dired
each time instead of find-dired
, as it is showed in answer. E.g. setup something like this (global-set-key (kbd "C-x g") 'marius/find-dired)
. It calls (setq find-args "-iname ...")
each time before calling find-grep
EDIT: without renaming:
(setq find-args '("-iname '**'" . 10))
(defadvice find-dired (after eab-find-dired activate)
(setq find-args '("-iname '**'" . 10)))
for deactivate:
(ad-remove-advice 'find-dired 'after 'eab-find-dired)
(ad-deactivate 'find-dired)
EDIT2: We use after-advice
here, see comments.