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Image Not Found When Using Blackberry Signing Tool

[exec] dyld: Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/RimBlackBerryUSB.framework/Versions/A/RimBlackBerryUSB
 [exec]   Referenced from: /Users/marc/Blackberry/bin/javaloader
 [exec]   Reason: image not found
 [exec] Result: 133

I've just had to reinstall mountain lion and setup my Blackberry webworks project (built on Phonegap) using zend studio 10 Beta and Eclipse. When running "ant-target-build" I get the result above - the build completes but the "image not found" is something I have not seen before.

I have updated the paths to the BB SDK in to the correct directory. Any ideas?


  • Installing Blackberry Desktop Manager for MAC was the solution that fixed this problem. Thanks everyone.