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c# How to hide a row in a DataGridView with DataSource

I have a datasource (BindingList) with many Users, but there are some users I don't want to display in my DataGridView. Is it possible to hide them. I can't find events that works.

RowsAdded sometimes hides worng rows.


  • Looks like I have to implement my own filter. I build an adapter for the BindingList wich can display a filtered version of any BindingList. You just has to inherite from it. Here is my Example. I want to show only users with user.CanEdit = true

    public class AhpUserFilter : FilterBindingListAdapter<AhpUser>
        public AhpUserFilter(AhpUserCollection users)
            : base(users.GetList() as IBindingList)
        protected override bool ISVisible(AhpUser user)
            return user.CanEdit;

    Here is how you can bind the new List to a DatagridView:

    AhpUserFilter userSource = new AhpUserFilter(users);
    userSource.Filter = "yes!";
    dataGridViewUser.DataSource = userSource;

    Okay, the Filter property is useless, yet. But the Adapter class is very experimental yet. But for simple adding and removing with a DataGrid it seems to work well.

    Here is the code for the adapter:

    public class FilterBindingListAdapter<T> : BindingList<T>, IBindingListView
        protected string filter = String.Empty;
        protected IBindingList bindingList;
        private bool filtering = false;
        public FilterBindingListAdapter(IBindingList bindingList)
            this.bindingList = bindingList;
        protected override void OnListChanged(ListChangedEventArgs e)
            if (!filtering)
                switch (e.ListChangedType)
                    case ListChangedType.ItemAdded:
                        bindingList.Insert(e.NewIndex, this[e.NewIndex]);
        protected override void RemoveItem(int index)
            if (!filtering)
        protected virtual void DoFilter()
            filtering = true;
            foreach (T e in bindingList)
                if (filter.Length == 0 || this.ISVisible(e))
            filtering = false;
        protected virtual bool ISVisible(T element)
            return true;
        #region IBindingListView Members
        public void ApplySort(ListSortDescriptionCollection sorts)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        public string Filter
                return filter;
                filter = value;
        public void RemoveFilter()
            Filter = String.Empty;
        public ListSortDescriptionCollection SortDescriptions
            get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
        public bool SupportsAdvancedSorting
            get { return false; }
        public bool SupportsFiltering
            get { return true; }