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How to install Magento on MAMP Pro

I'm trying to install Magento on MAMP pro. It gives me below error.

enter image description here

I tried changing the Host to localhost:8888 and localhost:8889 but it does not work. Given that I have created a database called magento in my database.

How can I fix this.


    1. Set up a new enviroment in MAMP PRO
    2. Use the web browser to access to it. Verify it’s working.(http://localhost:8888)
    3. Access to your PhpMyAdmin
    4. Create a database and optionally import Sample Data.
    5. Browse again your site and the Install Wizard will show. (http://localhost:8888/mymegento)

    Tricky part is provide database name correctly. Both username and the password should be root.