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Sum in nested document MongoDB

I'm trying to sum some values in an array of documents, with no luck.

This is the Document


    "Agno": "2013",
    "Egresos": [
            "Fecha": "28-01-2013",
            "Monto": 150000,
            "Detalle": "Pago Nokia Lumia a @josellop"
            "Fecha": "29-01-2013",
            "Monto": 4000,
            "Detalle": "Cine, Pelicula fome"
    "Ingresos": [],
    "Mes": "Enero",
    "Monto": 450000,
    "Usuario": "MarioCares"
    "_id": ObjectId(....)

So, i need the sum of all the "Monto" in "Egresos" for the "Usuario": "MarioCares". In this example 154000

Using aggregation i use this:

        { $match: {"Usuario": "MarioCares"} },
        { $group: 
                _id: null,
                "suma": { $sum: "$Egresos.Monto" }

But i always get

{ "result" : [{ "_id" : null, "suma" : 0 }], "ok" : 1 }

What am i doing wrong ?

P.D. already see this and this


  • As Sammaye indicated, you need to $unwind the Egresos array to duplicate the matched doc per array element so you can $sum over each element:

        {$match: {"Usuario": "MarioCares"} }, 
        {$unwind: '$Egresos'}, 
        {$group: {
            _id: null, 
            "suma": {$sum: "$Egresos.Monto" }