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Going from Dictionary<int, StringBuilder> To Table-Valued SqlParameter. How?

I have code that has a Dictionary defined as:

Dictionary<int, StringBuilder> invoiceDict = new Dictionary<int, StringBuilder>();

Each Value in each KeyValuePair the Dictionary is actually three separate values currently created as follows:

invoiceDict.Add(pdfCount+i, new StringBuilder(invoiceID.Groups[1].ToString() + "|" + extractFileName + "|" + pdfPair.Key));

As you can see, the three values are separated by a '|'. The number of "rows" in the Dictionary can range between 600-1200. I would like to use a table-valued parameter to get all of that in my SQL Server 2008 DB in one operation.

The table-valued parameter is defined as follows:

CREATE TYPE dbo.BatchSplitterInvoices AS TABLE
    InvoiceID varchar(24),
    NotePath varchar(512),
    BatchID varchar(50)

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.cms_createBatchSplitterInvoices (
  @Invoices dbo.BatchSplitterInvoices READONLY,
  @StaffID int

What's the best way to get from the Dictionary to something that can be passed into the table-valued param? Should I use something else than the Dictionary? Or, do I need to parse the Dictionary into another, better data structure?

SqlParameter invoicesParam = cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Invoices", invoiceDict.Values);
invoicesParam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;



  • Due to issue with somewhat poor documentation surrounding the TVPs (needs more than just IEnumerable), and having to parse the content of dictionaries anyways, I decided to loop through the Dictionary into a DataTable, which seems to be the preferred object to feed a TVP.