I'm trying to do this:
store: ZAdmin.store.TreeFactory.create('ZAdmin.model.Category', 'Application\\Entity\\Category')
But getting:
store: 'ZAdmin.store.TreeFactory.create(\'ZAdmin.model.Category\', \'Application\\Entity\\Category\')'
There is no way to change store from string to object type.
How to fix it?
P.S. I'm about editing config properties in GUI. Sencha Architect assumes store to be a string, so auto-escapes any value.
store config takes store object or its name, so in case you want to pass an object you can either create it in-place OR in initialize method you can do this:
var myStore = ZAdmin.store.TreeFactory.create('ZAdmin.model.Category', 'Application\\Entity\\Category'); // Any kind of store creation
myStore.load(); // Optional
having late store association/load gives you advantage of quickly showing the view without waiting for data to load.