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Avoid expunging timer on glassfish

I have a method annotated with @Schedule that is called by the container once in a while.

@Schedule(second = "*/5", minute = "*", hour = "*", persistent = false)
public void myTimerMethod() throws Exception {

Problem is on certain conditions i want to this method to throw an exception to cause the ongoing transaction to rollback. But if I do this more than two times the timer will be expunged and not called any more!

INFO: EJB5119:Expunging timer ['68@@1359143163781@@server@@domain1' 'TimedObject = MyBean' 'Application = My-War' 'BEING_DELIVERED' 'PERIODIC' 'Container ID = 89072805830524936' 'Fri Jan 25 21:49:30 CET 2013' '0' '*/5 # * # * # * # * # * # * # null # null # null # true # myTimerMethod # 0' ] after [2] failed deliveries

I know i can configure timer rescheduling in domain.xml using

            <ejb-container session-store="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/session-store">
                     <property name="reschedule-failed-timer" value="true"></property>

But my question is, can I have this setting configured when i deploy my application?

Can't find it in:


Is there some way to do it programmatically maybe?

(My rationale behind behind putting server-configuration like this in config files rather than configuring the server is so my app should be possible to install directly on a fresh installation of glassfish)


  • I'd use a different approach.

    Instead of throwing an exception directly from the scheduled method, try to introduce a level of indirection as in:

    @Inject RealWorkHere realImplementation;
    @Schedule(second = "*/5", minute = "*", hour = "*", persistent = false)
    public void myTimerMethod(){
      }catch (Exception x){
       // hopefully log it somewhere

    where RealWorkHere is the bean with the actual implementation as in:

    public class RealWorkHere{
       public void myTimerMethod() throws Exception {

    This comes with the benefit of:

    • Not throwing an exception in a container-initated transaction (thus avoiding the expunging)
    • Better logging of the Exception
    • Clear demarcation of the 'real' business transaction

    See also