I'm using epiceditor within my site, and I am populating it with markdown embedded on the page by the server. Currently when epiceditor displays, it has a very small default height, with scroll bars to handle viewing the entire content. I can manually set the height of the div, and for now that's the best I've been able to do (I've set it to something reasonably large: 800px). However I would like its height to always be enough to fit the entire content without scroll-bars. Essentially something like overflow:visible.
Here's the relevant portions so far
<script src="/assets/javascripts/epiceditor/js/epiceditor.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script id="postMarkdown" type="text/markdown" data-postId="1">
#Markdowns in here
height: 800px;
<script src="/assets/javascripts/thrown/posts/edit.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="epiceditor">
And heres the edit.js source (its compiled from coffescript)
$ ->
postMarkdown = $("#postMarkdown").first()
options =
basePath : '../../assets/javascripts/epiceditor'
editor = new EpicEditor(options).load()
postId = postMarkdown.data('postId')
markdown = postMarkdown.html()
I was hoping reflow might expand the height after the content was inserted, however no such luck. However If I resize the div and call reflow, It does resize properly. I've inspected the markup it creates in hopes I could determine the height and resize its container and tell it to reflow. However it seems it contains multiple iframes, and at a glance I didn't expect that to be a quick change, or if it would even be possible. However I'd welcome any solution.
I also understand that if I size its container to the right height, epiceditor will fill the proper space. However I want its height to be the amount needed to render, such that the editor takes up the right space in the rest of the sites design. Therefore if there something I can set in EpicEditor to have it not overflow in the manner it is, or a way to determine the height after it loads, I'm set. Thanks for any help.
I'm the guy who made EpicEditor, here's a solution for you:
var editor = new EpicEditor({
basePath: 'https://raw.github.com/OscarGodson/EpicEditor/develop/epiceditor'
var updateEditorHeight = function () {
editorHeight = $(editor.getElement('editor').body).height();
// +20 for padding
$('#epiceditor').height(editorHeight + 20);
editor.load(function (){
editor.on('update', function () {
// You should probably put a check here so it doesn't
// run for every update, but just on update, AND if the
// element's height is different then before.
Also, in the CSS I added a overflow: hidden
to epiceditor's wrapper so the scrollbars don't appear as it grows.
DEMO: http://jsbin.com/eyidey/1/
DEMO CODE: http://jsbin.com/eyidey/1/edit
As of EpicEditor 0.2.2 autogrow is built in. Just turn on the autogrow