I am trying to "stopPropagation" to prevent a Twitter Bootstrap navbar dropdown from closing when an element (link) inside an li is clicked. Using this method seems to be the common solution.
In Angular, seems like a directive is the place to do this? So I have:
// do not close dropdown on click
directives.directive('stopPropagation', function () {
return {
link:function (elm) {
$(elm).click(function (event) {
... but the method does not belong to element:
TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'stopPropagation'
I tie in the directive with
<li ng-repeat="foo in bar">
{{foo.text}}<a stop-propagation ng-click="doThing($index)">clickme</a>
Any suggestions?
"Currently some directives (i.e. ng:click) stops event propagation. This prevents interoperability with other frameworks that rely on capturing such events." - link
... and was able to fix without a directive, and simply doing:
<a ng-click="doThing($index); $event.stopPropagation();">x</a>